Thursday, June 9, 2011

Grantland Day 2: Wrigley and LA Noire

I don't know if this is going to be an everyday thing or not yet, but I'd like to keep avoiding talking about the Cubs for as long as possible. So I'm going to do a quick review of my favorite and least favorite article of the day (and maybe comment on other articles if the mood strikes me.) I love the side notes, by the way. I wish I could do that and stop relying on parentheses so much.
Best: Press X for Beer Bottle by Tom Bissell

I could relate to being a teacher who doesn't have enough time to play video games anymore, and I'm about halfway through the game in question (LA Noire) right now. As an RPG fan, I've always been more interested in a game's storyline than it's actual gameplay. That's not to say a game doesn't have to be fun to play in between the cut scenes, just that if I don't care what's going on in the story, I'm probably not going to care. The story doesn't have to be super-intricate and detailed, though. One of the best games I've played this year is Donkey Kong Country Returns, which isn't exactly A Tale of Two Cities (Some punk-ass masks stole his bananas. He wants them back.) But if a game has an interesting story I care about, I'm more inclined to stick with it.

I'm right in the middle of the game right, now, where Bissell suggest the plot slows down, and every single suspect is lying to you about every single question (seriously, I don't remember the last time "truth" was the correct answer.) I have faith LA Noire will tie it all together at the end.

I can't believe he didn't mention the best-laid story in a video game in recent memory during this column: Portal 2. Portal 2 didn't have a draggy middle section, it stays interesting from start to finish, and keeps the momentum and urgency going the whole time. If every other game could plot stories half as well as Portal 2, and be 1/3 as funny, there'd be a lot more worthwhile video games on the market.

Worst: Wrigley Is Wrigley, and Nothing Else Is.

I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate fans like this. This is why Cubs fans have such a terrible reputation for being terrible bandwagon fans who are more concerned with getting drunk than watching a good team. Because you write stupid drivel like this. You are the type of fan I have to hear talk about Lincoln Park bars while Marmol gives me a heart attack by walking people in the 9th.

I listened to the game he went to for this article on the radio, and remember being pissed right along with Pat Hughes (who of course classily registered his disgust by announcing each Pirate run in his disapproving-father tone.) Yes, Eggers, there are plenty of Cubs fans who actually care about the outcome of games, but we were all pushed out right around 2003 by ticket brokers and yuppies. Right around the same time you stopped being able to actually live in the buildings across the street from Wrigley. And we were pushed out because of crap like this, how Wrigley is a temple, a place that's about more than baseball.

I'm going to say something sacrilegious for a Cubs fan here. I'm not going to be as upset as most on the day (which will happen in my lifetime) where the Cubs put up a new, bigger stadium in the suburbs somewhere and stop playing home games at Wrigley. I don't think they'll tear the thing down, more than likely it'll become some sort of landmark/museum. But there's money to be made, and if it brings the Cubs closer to winning a world series, then I'm all for it.

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